13 Identifying important bigrams and trigrams (G20)
This chapter documents the identification of important bigrams and trigrams following the procedure described in Hansen, McMahon, and Prat5 and Justeson and Katz6, as was previously done for the G7 countries.
13.1 Initialisation
source(here::here("R", "azure_init.R"))
speeches_board <- storage_endpoint("https://cbspeeches1.dfs.core.windows.net/", token=token) %>%
storage_container(name = "cbspeeches") %>%
board_azure(path = "data-speeches")
13.2 Tokenise the text for POS-tagging
The text was first tokenised into sentences in order to create a sentence identifier within documents. This is required later when looking at tag sequences, as tag sequences that span across sentences should not be considered. The text was not cast to lowercase just yet, as it appeared to affect tagging.
Unlike the tokenising done for POS-tagging for the G7 speeches, the speeches are also arranged by the document ID before tokenising so that the tagged speech tokens can simply be column-bound back to the IDs (i.e. no data joining required).
speech_tokens <- speeches_board %>%
pin_qread("speeches-g20-cleaned") %>%
select(doc, text) %>%
arrange(doc) %>%
unnest_sentences(output=sentence, input=text, to_lower=FALSE) %>%
group_by(doc) %>%
mutate(sentence_id = 1:n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
unnest_tokens(output=token, input=sentence, to_lower=FALSE)
Creating a quick checkpoint:
13.3 Perform the POS tagging
13.3.1 Download annotated model
The model that used for tagging is the
Universal Dependencies English GUM corpus.
The model is included in the inst/data-misc
folder, but can be downloaded by calling the
udpipe_download_model(language="english-gum", model_dir=here::here("inst", "data-misc"))
The downloaded model can be loaded as follows:
english_gum <- udpipe_load_model(file = here::here("inst", "data-misc", "english-gum-ud-2.5-191206.udpipe"))
13.3.2 Break text tokens into chunks
One of the values outputted after annotating is the CoNLL-U morphological annotation, While this information is not used in this analysis, it is obtained by concatenating all word tokens with their annotation notes (see example in previous link) into a single string. This becomes problematic for larger corpora since the maximum length of a single string is limited to characters. As such, before annotating, the text tokens must be divided into smaller chunks such that the resulting concatenation of word tokens with their annotation notes does not exceed the maximum allotted number of characters.
The following code breaks the word tokens into 12 chunks (as a list) while ensuring that all tokens belonging to the same document are kept together in the proper order such that exact sentences within documents can be recovered later for the discovery of bigrams and trigrams.
13.3.3 Tagging
The annotation code from before can be re-used and re-purposed into a function.
udpipe_annotate_tibble <- function(chunk) {
chunk %$%
object=english_gum, x=token, doc_id=doc,
tokenizer="vertical", parser="none", trace=5e5
) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
select(doc_id, token, lemma, upos) %>%
rename(upos_gum = upos)
The text chunks are annotated individually before being bound back together with the original document ids and sentence ids.
tags_gum <- speech_token_chunks %>%
map(udpipe_annotate_tibble) %>%
tags_gum <- tags_gum %>%
speech_tokens %>%
) %>%
select(doc_id, sentence_id, token, lemma, upos_gum)
Creating a checkpoint as usual:
13.4 Determine bigrams and trigrams
As before, from Hansen, McMahon, and Prat7, trigram sequences of interest with frequencies greater than or equal to 50 are:
- adjective - adjective - noun
- adjective - noun - noun
- noun - adjective - noun
- noun - noun - noun
- noun - preposition - noun
Proper nouns were treated as nouns.
trigrams <- tags_gum %>%
select(-lemma) %>%
rename(token1=token, upos_gum1=upos_gum) %>%
group_by(doc_id, sentence_id) %>%
token2 = lead(token1),
token3 = lead(token2),
upos_gum1 = if_else(upos_gum1 == "PROPN", "NOUN", upos_gum1),
upos_gum2 = lead(upos_gum1),
upos_gum3 = lead(upos_gum2)
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
drop_na() %>%
select(token1, token2, token3, upos_gum1, upos_gum2, upos_gum3) %>%
unite(col="pos_pattern", upos_gum1, upos_gum2, upos_gum3) %>%
) %>%
count(token1, token2, token3, pos_pattern) %>%
filter(n >= 50) %>%
From Hansen, McMahon, and Prat8, bigram sequences of interest with frequencies greater than or equal to 100 are:
- adjective - noun
- noun - noun
Proper nouns were treated as nouns.
bigrams <- tags_gum %>%
select(-lemma) %>%
rename(token1=token, upos_gum1=upos_gum) %>%
group_by(doc_id) %>%
token2 = lead(token1),
upos_gum1 = if_else(upos_gum1 == "PROPN", "NOUN", upos_gum1),
upos_gum2 = lead(upos_gum1)
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
drop_na() %>%
select(token1, token2, upos_gum1, upos_gum2) %>%
unite(col="pos_pattern", upos_gum1, upos_gum2) %>%
) %>%
count(token1, token2, pos_pattern) %>%
filter(n >= 100) %>%
13.4.1 Prune bigrams
Bigrams whose frequencies fall below the required threshold after consideration for their appearances in trigrams should be removed. For example, consider the following n-gram counts:
rising oil prices
: 339 -
falling oil prices
: 275 -
oil prices
: 642
Since the bigram oil prices
only appears 642 - 339 - 275 = 28 times on its own, it does not meet
the bigram frequency threshold and should be removed from the list of bigrams.
trigram_token_counts <- trigrams %>%
select(token1, token2, token3, n)
bigram_token_counts <- bigrams %>%
select(token1, token2, n)
bigrams_to_remove <- bind_rows(
trigram_token_counts %>%
select(token1, token2, n) %>%
inner_join(bigram_token_counts, by=c("token1", "token2"), suffix=c("_tri", "_bi")
trigram_token_counts %>%
select(token2, token3, n) %>%
rename(token1=token2, token2=token3) %>%
inner_join(bigram_token_counts, by=c("token1", "token2"), suffix=c("_tri", "_bi"))
) %>%
group_by(token1, token2) %>%
n_tri = sum(n_tri),
n_bi = unique(n_bi)
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(n_diff = n_bi - n_tri) %>%
filter(n_diff < 100) %>%
select(token1, token2)
bigrams <- anti_join(bigrams, bigrams_to_remove, by=c("token1", "token2"))