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pinsqs provides convenience functions to incorporate multithreaded reading and writing of .qs files from the qs package into the pins infrastructure.

Motivated by this feature request that does not have any plans for implementation in the near future, but I felt its bundling into a package could benefit my own workflows.


You can install this package using:

# install.packages("remotes")

Example usage

Initialise the pin board, as usual:

board <- board_temp()

Create data to be pinned:

rock <- datasets::rock %>%

Pin the data to the board (as a .qs file):

board %>%
    rock, "rock-tibble",
    description = "`rock` data set as a tibble"
#> Creating new version '20241024T224708Z-d8ed3'

Checking the contents of our pin board, as usual:

board %>%
#> # A tibble: 1 x 6
#>   name        type  title               created             file_size meta      
#>   <chr>       <chr> <chr>               <dttm>              <fs::byt> <list>    
#> 1 rock-tibble file  rock-tibble: a pin~ 2024-10-24 18:47:08     1.01K <pins_met>

View pin metadata, as usual:

board %>%
#> List of 13
#>  $ file       : chr "rock-tibble.qs"
#>  $ file_size  : 'fs_bytes' int 1.01K
#>  $ pin_hash   : chr "d8ed3112a49e9960"
#>  $ type       : chr "file"
#>  $ title      : chr "rock-tibble: a pinned .qs file"
#>  $ description: chr "`rock` data set as a tibble"
#>  $ tags       : NULL
#>  $ urls       : NULL
#>  $ created    : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2024-10-24 18:47:08"
#>  $ api_version: int 1
#>  $ user       : list()
#>  $ name       : chr "rock-tibble"
#>  $ local      :List of 3
#>   ..$ dir    : 'fs_path' chr "C:/Users/Adam/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmp0SoJbE/pins-ef8c62ec17fe/rock-tibble/20241024T224708Z-d8ed3"
#>   ..$ url    : NULL
#>   ..$ version: chr "20241024T224708Z-d8ed3"

Read the pinned data (from a .qs file):

board %>%
#> # A tibble: 48 x 4
#>     area  peri  shape  perm
#>    <int> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1  4990 2792. 0.0903   6.3
#>  2  7002 3893. 0.149    6.3
#>  3  7558 3931. 0.183    6.3
#>  4  7352 3869. 0.117    6.3
#>  5  7943 3949. 0.122   17.1
#>  6  7979 4010. 0.167   17.1
#>  7  9333 4346. 0.190   17.1
#>  8  8209 4345. 0.164   17.1
#>  9  8393 3682. 0.204  119  
#> 10  6425 3099. 0.162  119  
#> # i 38 more rows


If a value for nthreads is not supplied to pin_qread() or pin_qsave(), it will default to parallel::detectCores() / 2. Otherwise, if parallel::detectCores() is NA, it will fallback to the default of the qs package, which is 1.