7 Explorations with NMF

The non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) files are currently stored under inst/NMFregress (GitHub). In its current state, NMFregress requires the user to specify either all or no anchors. There are a few anchors that we are particularly interested in, and some work needs to be done on NMFregress in order to ensure that users can supply a subset of the anchors, and the remaining anchors are automatically populated.

For the sake of moving forward with the proof of concept, a 50-topic NMF model is fitted, then a 40-topic NMF model is fitted using our anchors of interest, and the remaining filled in using anchors from the 50-topic model.

7.1 Initialisation


source(here::here("R", "azure_init.R"))

fs::dir_ls(here::here("inst", "NMFregress"), glob="*.R") %>%

  opts_toolbar = opts_toolbar(position="topright", saveaspng=FALSE),
  opts_zoom = opts_zoom(min=0.8, max=4)

speeches_board <- storage_endpoint("https://cbspeeches1.dfs.core.windows.net/", token=token) %>%
  storage_container(name = "cbspeeches") %>%
  board_azure(path = "data-speeches")

models_board <- storage_endpoint("https://cbspeeches1.dfs.core.windows.net/", token=token) %>%
  storage_container(name = "cbspeeches") %>%
  board_azure(path = "data-models")

7.2 Model fitting

7.2.1 Fitting the 50-topic model

The following code was used to fit a 50-topic NMF model.

speeches <- speeches_board %>%

nmf_input <- create_input(speeches, vocab=rownames(speeches), topics=50)
nmf_output <- solve_nmf(nmf_input)

The anchors can be found by calling nmf_output$anchors.

7.2.2 Fitting the 40-topic model

A 40-topic NMF model was fitted using a combination of our anchors of interest and the anchors found from the 50-topic NMF model in the previous step. Note that since the text in the term-document matrix was lowercased and stemmed, supplied anchors also needed to be in their lowercased and stemmed form.

The stemmed form of a word can be obtained by calling SnowballC::wordstem("word").

anchors_of_interest <- c("basel", "cbdc", "ukrain", "covid", "brexit")
autofilled_anchors <- c(
  "inflat", "rate", "euro", "climat", "payment", "trade", "global", "model", "monetary_policy_",
  "economi", "loan", "target", "market", "fund", "chang", "polici", "growth", "data", "percent",
  "invest", "liquid", "consum", "system", "compani", "demand", "risk", "effect", "product",
  "asset", "price", "firm", "pai", "account", "household", "insur"
custom_anchors <- c(anchors_of_interest, autofilled_anchors)

Fitting the 40-topic NMF model:

nmf_input <- create_input(speeches, vocab=rownames(speeches), topics=40)
nmf_output <- solve_nmf(nmf_input, user_anchors=custom_anchors)

Creating a checkpoint:

models_board %>%
    title = "40-topic nmf, g7, custom topics"

7.3 Explorations

Loading the required data:

speeches_metadata <- speeches_board %>%
  pin_qread("speeches-g7-metadata", version="20241207T163741Z-5783f")

7.3.1 Pre-exploration data wrangling

Variables that refer to theta pertain to the document-topic matrix.

First, document-topic proportions were recovered from the NMF model.

normalised_theta <- nmf_output %>%
  pluck("theta") %>%
  t() %>%
  magrittr::divide_by(rowSums(.)) %>%
  as_tibble(rownames = "doc") %>%
  pivot_longer(-doc, names_to="anchor", values_to="proportion")

Next, document-topic proportions were reunited with speech metadata. The document-topic proportions were then aggregated and averaged by year-month to produce a monthly time series of topic proportions.

doc_dates <- speeches_metadata %>%
  select(doc, country, date)

theta_dates <- inner_join(normalised_theta, doc_dates, by="doc")

summarised_theta_by_month <- theta_dates %>%
    year = year(date),
    month = month(date)
  ) %>%
  group_by(country, year, month, anchor) %>%
  summarise(avg_proportion = mean(proportion, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  unite("date", year, month, sep="-") %>%
  mutate(date = ym(date)) %>%

For plotting, rather than labelling a topic by its anchor word, a topic's top 10 words can be used instead.

label_top_words <- nmf_output %>%
  print_top_words() %>%
  map(str_flatten_comma) %>%
  list_c() %>%

7.3.2 Plots

Hover over plot titles for the top words of each topic. Hover over the series to reveal the country.

data1 <- summarised_theta_by_month %>%
  filter(anchor %in% c("brexit", "cbdc", "covid", "ukrain"))

plot1 <- ggplot(data1) +
    aes(x=date, y=avg_proportion, colour=country, tooltip=country, data_id=country),
    alpha=0.4, show.legend=FALSE
  ) +
    ~ anchor, ncol=1,
    labeller = labeller_interactive(aes(tooltip=label_top_words[anchor], data_id=anchor))
  ) +
  scale_x_date(breaks = "2 years", date_labels="%Y") +
  labs(x="", y="Averaged topic proportions", caption="NMF, G7")

girafe(ggobj = plot1) %>%
    opts_hover(css = "stroke-opacity:1;"),
    opts_hover_inv(css = "opacity:0.5;filter:saturate(20%);")
data2 <- summarised_theta_by_month %>%
  filter(anchor %in% c("polici", "basel", "inflat", "monetary_policy_"))

plot2 <- ggplot(data2) +
    aes(x=date, y=avg_proportion, colour=country, tooltip=country, data_id=country),
    alpha=0.4, show.legend=FALSE
  ) +
    ~ anchor, ncol=1,
    labeller = labeller_interactive(aes(tooltip=label_top_words[anchor], data_id=anchor))
  ) +
  scale_x_date(breaks = "2 years", date_labels="%Y") +
  labs(x="", y="Averaged topic proportions", caption="NMF, G7")

girafe(ggobj = plot2) %>%
    opts_hover(css = "stroke-opacity:1;"),
    opts_hover_inv(css = "opacity:0.5;filter:saturate(20%);")