Stat 4604: Lab 6

Adam Shen

November 16, 2022

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Fitting a Poisson GLM via Newton-Raphson

Today, we will be looking at fitting a Poisson GLM via Newton-Raphson.


migraine <- read_csv("./data/Pdata.csv")

Task 1: The init function

Write a function that takes \mathbf{N} and \mathbf{X} to initialize the Newton-Raphson algorithm.

In order to initialize the Newton-Raphson algorithm, we need starting points for \boldsymbol{\beta}. From the Week 8 lecture notes, it was recommended that a good starting point would be to use linear regression and regress \mathbf{Z} := \ln{(\mathbf{N} + 0.1)} against the covariates.

As such, we have:

\mathbf{Z} \,:=\, \ln{(\mathbf{N} + 0.1)}


\boldsymbol{\beta}_{0} \,=\, (\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{X})^{-1}\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{Z}

Task 1: The init function

init <- function(response, design_matrix) {


response: the name of the response variable, as a symbol

design_matrix: the name of the design matrix, as a symbol

Task 1: The init function

init <- function(response, design_matrix) {
  Z <- log(response + 0.1)

We calculate \mathbf{Z}, as recommended.

Task 1: The init function

init <- function(response, design_matrix) {
  Z <- log(response + 0.1)
  solve(t(design_matrix) %*% design_matrix) %*% t(design_matrix) %*% Z

We calculate our regression coefficients and return them, as required.

Try init

N <- as.matrix(migraine["N"])
colnames(N) <- ""

X <- cbind(
  rep(1, nrow(migraine)),
  as.matrix(migraine[c("Trt", "sBMI")])
colnames(X)[1] <- "(Intercept)"

init(N, X)
(Intercept)  2.2805342
Trt         -0.4362732
sBMI         0.1924209

Task 2: The gradH function

Write a function that takes \mathbf{N}, \mathbf{X}, and \boldsymbol{\beta}, and computes and returns the gradient and the Hessian.

From the Week 8 lecture notes, it was shown that the gradient was given by:

g(\boldsymbol{\beta}) \,=\, \mathbf{X}'(\mathbf{N} - \boldsymbol{\mu}),


\boldsymbol{\mu} \,=\, \exp{\left(\mathbf{X}\boldsymbol{\beta}\right)}

Task 2: The gradH function

Write a function that takes \mathbf{N}, \mathbf{X}, and \boldsymbol{\beta}, and computes and returns the gradient and the Hessian.

From the end of the Week 7 lecture notes and the Week 8 lecture notes, it was shown that the Hessian was given by:

H(\boldsymbol{\beta}) \,=\, -\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{VX},


\mathbf{V} \,=\, \text{diag}(\boldsymbol{\mu}) \,=\, \text{diag}(\exp{(\mathbf{X}\boldsymbol{\beta})})

Task 2: The gradH function

gradH <- function(beta, response, design_matrix) {

I'm going to make beta the first argument of gradH so that I can pipe betas into it (optional).

Task 2: The gradH function

gradH <- function(beta, response, design_matrix) {
  mu <- exp(design_matrix %*% beta)

We first initialize \boldsymbol{\mu} = \exp{(\mathbf{X}\boldsymbol{\beta})}.

Task 2: The gradH function

gradH <- function(beta, response, design_matrix) {
  mu <- exp(design_matrix %*% beta)
  V <- mu |>
    drop() |>

We then initialize \mathbf{V} by passing \boldsymbol{\mu} (which returns a n\times 1 matrix) to the drop function to reduce this one-dimensional matrix into an ordinary vector. Finally, we pass this result to the diag function, which creates a diagonal matrix using the supplied values as the diagonal elements.

Task 2: The gradH function

gradH <- function(beta, response, design_matrix) {
  mu <- exp(design_matrix %*% beta)
  V <- mu |>
    drop() |>
  gradient <- t(design_matrix) %*% (response - mu)
  hessian <- -t(design_matrix) %*% V %*% design_matrix

    gradient = gradient,
    hessian = hessian

Finally, we return the gradient and Hessian, as required.

Test gradH

init(N, X) |>
  gradH(N, X)
(Intercept) 99.091519
Trt         27.750144
sBMI        -6.819834

            (Intercept)        Trt       sBMI
(Intercept)   -417.9085 -164.24986 -123.44972
Trt           -164.2499 -164.24986  -50.14196
sBMI          -123.4497  -50.14196 -489.62327

Task 3: The PoisGLM function

Using the results of init and gradH, write a function called PoisGLM that takes \mathbf{N} and \mathbf{X} and returns the MLEs for \boldsymbol{\beta} and the Fisher score.

From the Week 8 notes, to find MLEs,

  1. Initialize \boldsymbol{\beta}_{0}.

  2. Perform \boldsymbol{\beta}_{k} \,=\, \boldsymbol{\beta}_{k-1} \,-\, H^{-1}(\boldsymbol{\beta}_{k-1})\cdot g(\boldsymbol{\beta}_{k-1}).

  3. Repeat until \lVert g(\boldsymbol{\beta}_{k-1})\rVert_{2} < \varepsilon.

  4. Before returning our final results, verify that H(\boldsymbol{\beta}_{k}) is negative semi-definite, i.e. ensure that we have arrived at a local maximum. We can check this by checking that all of the Hessian's eigenvalues are \leq 0. (Recall in the univariate case, we checked that the second derivative was < 0 which indicated it was concave-down).

Task 3: The PoisGLM function

PoisGLM <- function(response, design_matrix, tol=1e-8) {


As required, the PoisGLM will take in the response matrix and the design matrix (similar to our previous functions), as well as a tolerance value (set to 1e-8 by default).

Task 3: The PoisGLM function

PoisGLM <- function(response, design_matrix, tol=1e-8) {
  beta <- init(response, design_matrix)

Initialize the starting points. I will overwrite this variable as I progress through the loop.

Task 3: The PoisGLM function

PoisGLM <- function(response, design_matrix, tol=1e-8) {
  beta <- init(response, design_matrix)
  repeat {


Use a repeat loop since we do not know in advance how many times we will need to iterate. It feels like it will be too messy to check all of our stopping conditions and stick them into a while (cond).

Task 3: The PoisGLM function

PoisGLM <- function(response, design_matrix, tol=1e-8) {
  beta <- init(response, design_matrix)
  repeat {
    derivatives <- gradH(beta, response, design_matrix)

Compute the gradient and Hessian using the current value of beta. We will store this into a variable as we will need to access it twice to extract both the Hessian and the gradient matrices.

Task 3: The PoisGLM function

PoisGLM <- function(response, design_matrix, tol=1e-8) {
  beta <- init(response, design_matrix)
  repeat {
    derivatives <- gradH(beta, response, design_matrix)
    if (norm(derivatives$gradient, type="2") < tol) {

Check the stopping condition before computing the next iteration of betas. There is a built-in norm function that we can use to compute the Euclidean norm of a matrix.

Task 3: The PoisGLM function

PoisGLM <- function(response, design_matrix, tol=1e-8) {
  beta <- init(response, design_matrix)
  repeat {
    derivatives <- gradH(beta, response, design_matrix)
    if (norm(derivatives$gradient, type="2") < tol) {
    beta <- beta - solve(derivatives$hessian) %*% derivatives$gradient

If the exiting condition was not met, we proceed with updating the betas.

Task 3: The PoisGLM function

PoisGLM <- function(response, design_matrix, tol=1e-8) {
  beta <- init(response, design_matrix)
  repeat {
    derivatives <- gradH(beta, response, design_matrix)
    if (norm(derivatives$gradient, type="2") < tol) {
    beta <- beta - solve(derivatives$hessian) %*% derivatives$gradient
  derivatives <- gradH(beta, response, design_matrix)
  if (any(eigen(derivatives$hessian)$values > 0)) {
    stop("Hessian is not negative semidefinite.")

Once we have broken out of our loop, we update the derivatives one last time using our final estimate of beta. We also need to verify that our Hessian is negative semidefinite when evaluated at our final estimate before returning the betas.

Task 3: The PoisGLM function

PoisGLM <- function(response, design_matrix, tol=1e-8) {
  beta <- init(response, design_matrix)

  repeat {
    derivatives <- gradH(beta, response, design_matrix)
    if (norm(derivatives$gradient, type="2") < tol) {
    beta <- beta - solve(derivatives$hessian) %*% derivatives$gradient
  derivatives <- gradH(beta, response, design_matrix)
  if (any(eigen(derivatives$hessian)$values > 0)) {
    stop("Hessian is not negative semidefinite.")
    beta = beta,
    fisher_score = -derivatives$hessian

If the Hessian is negative semi-definite at our final estimate of beta, then we can return the betas and the Fisher score (in this case, equal to the negative Hessian).

Test PoisGLM

Compare the coefficient estimates

PoisGLM(N, X)$beta
(Intercept)  2.5449341
Trt         -0.5271167
sBMI         0.1274928

Compare results with built-in GLM:

glm(N ~ ., data=migraine, family="poisson") |>
(Intercept)         Trt        sBMI 
  2.5449341  -0.5271167   0.1274928 

Test PoisGLM

Compare the variance-covariance matrices

solve(PoisGLM(N, X)$fisher_score)
              (Intercept)           Trt          sBMI
(Intercept)  0.0031667041 -3.072452e-03 -4.053434e-04
Trt         -0.0030724524  8.285479e-03 -2.018442e-05
sBMI        -0.0004053434 -2.018442e-05  1.830045e-03

Compare results with built-in GLM:

glm(N ~ ., data=migraine, family="poisson") |>
              (Intercept)           Trt          sBMI
(Intercept)  0.0031667039 -3.072452e-03 -4.053433e-04
Trt         -0.0030724523  8.285479e-03 -2.018441e-05
sBMI        -0.0004053433 -2.018441e-05  1.830045e-03